Apr 4, 2011

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I recently started making homemade laundry detergent. I wanted something simple, effective, using versatile ingredients, and something that would save us $$$

I've been VERY pleased with this recipe, especially after using it on my husband's dirty, sweaty work clothes :) It doesn't leave any residue, no strong scents, and it requires very little time to make. And the best part is, you only need to use ONE Tablespoon per load.

One stinkin' Tablespoon. (Two for heavily soiled clothes)

What you need:
1 Cup of Borax
1 Cup of Arm & Hammer washing soda (not to be confused with baking soda)
1 bar of grated soap  (I used a coconut oil based castile)
*Optional - you can add a couple drops of essential oil if desired to each load

Mix ingredients together well, and store in a sealed container.

We go through  a lot of 32 OZ tubs of yogurt at our house so I used one of them to store the detergent in, and taped a nice little label on top...just in case my husband ever has the slightest desire to do laundry himself, he will have directions :)

And finally, to take the guess work out of measuring, and not having to sacrifice a tablespoon, I marked a small container with permanent ink marker to scoop :)

1 comment:

  1. SO FUNNY because I just got all my stuff, I am going to a friend's house tomorrow and some ladies from church are just getting together and making homemade laundry soap! Funny that you just posted that and I am making mine tomorrow :)
