It's true. I am bidding farewell to this blog. I hope you aren't sad; as poet John Gay put it "We only part to meet again."
I'm only parting with Sweeter than Honey to take on another blogging and writing adventure at my new blog - Maine Homemaker. You will be able to find me at once I am up and running :)
Maine Homemaker. Sweet and simple :)
Purchasing our new home, and now with the blessing of making a home that is our own has initiated a lot more change than just moving in. Would you believe it's even changed my vision for blogging?
I'm excited to share with you the life the Lord has blessed us with, here on our 26 acre mountain home. I'm looking forward to sharing my love for the state I live in, the love and labor of keeping a home, and much more over at my new spot :)
Hope you decide to join me or pop in for a visit :)