Dec 9, 2011

4 Step Winter Skin Rescue

 I'm going to do a series of tips to rescue your skin from the harsh elements of winter. The good news is, you don't have to splurge on expensive skin care products. In fact, most of the ingredients are right in your pantry. You also don't need to carve out a whole lot of time either. I'll share some of my recipes and tips I use regularly that deliver absolutely wonderful results!

The following regimen I recommend 1-2x per month in the winter. If you have very dehydrated skin, which is something I deal with this time of year, 1x per week may be ideal. 

Step#1: Wash skin with a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser.

Step #2: Brown Sugar & Grapeseed Oil face scrub. 
Mix together 1 Tbsp of brown sugar with 2 Tbsp of grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil is a great oil to use because it won't clog your pores. A wonderful skin-friendly alternative is jojoba oil.

Gently scrub in small upward, circular motions, avoiding the eye area. Once your whole face is covered, let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. Rinse. Store any extra sugar mixture in fridge.

Step #3 Avocado Skin Masque
The nourishing oils in avocado are very moisturizing and are able to penetrate deeper into the skin than many other oils. Avocados also contain a high vitamin and antioxidant content beneficial for healthy, radiant skin. 

Halve a single avocado and remove the inner fruit and seed. Discard the seed and set aside the fruit for a yummy recipe that I will share tomorrow. The skins of the avocado are all you need for this creamy masque. Take the skins of the avocado and gently rub all over face. Let the thin layer of avocado sit on your skin for 5-10 minutes. Rinse. 

Step 4# Apply your favorite moisturizer. I recommend putting a drop or two of jojoba oil in your moisturizer or use it alone. Jojoba oil is the closest in structure to your skin's natural oil. It is non-greasy and will not clog your pores.

Stay tuned for more skin care tips and a wonderful (edible) skin-nourishing recipe tomorrow!

For now, enjoy these first few steps to glowing, supple, winterized skin!

Linking to: Raising Homemakers, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Women Living Well, Raising Mighty Arrows, Deep Roots at Home