Feb 1, 2012

Cranberry Play Clay

Play dough is a big deal in this house. And so is the color pink. ...according to our daughter. 

This is a fun, natural alternative to that goop that we moms love and hate all at the same time. We love it because it keeps little antsy pants content and entertained, and we hate it because it's just no fun picking at carpet fibers. 

But the kids love it and really, it is fun to make. I found myself playing with the stuff too :)

Ingredients for natural dye
1 C fresh or frozen cranberries
1 C water

Ingredients for play clay
3/4 - 1 C flour
1/2 C natural dyed water (above)
1/4 C salt
1/2 TBSP cream of tartar
1/2 TBSP vegetable oil

1. Bring cranberries and water to boil in a small sauce pan. Turn off heat and allow to cool and dye water. Strain and reserve 1/2 C of dyed water for next step.
2. Combine all ingredients for play clay and knead. Add more flour if desired.
3. Have fun!

Fun ideas for Clay Play:
  • Break out the cookie cutters. So much fun for the kids!
  • Gift Cranberry Play Clay in an empty baby food jar for a friend for Valentines Day. Add ribbon and a small gift tag.
  • Try making other natural dyes as well with fruits and vegetables!

Purple: blueberries
Yellow/Orange: tumeric
Red/Magenta: beets

Linking to: Growing Home, Far Above Rubies, Deep Roots at Home, Raising Homemakers, Raising Mighty Arrows, Our Simple Country Life, Women Living Well, Time Warp Wife, Homestead Revival