Mar 15, 2012

Putting the Extra in Ordinary for Our Kids

Oh, motherhood. Some days I can't tell if I'm caught in a current or just riding the waves.

My heart yanks me toward my children and their cries for my attention, but my mind is caught up in another Mount Everest pile of laundry.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
- Matthew 26:41b

Oi. Ouch. Yep, that's me.

It has become both a temptation and habit to say "just a minute" to my children. Sometimes I never actually make it to their request, and I well with regret at the end of the day. And the cycle continues when I open my eyes the next morning.

All they wanted the entire time...was my time.

But first, I need His time. To renew me. To fill me up. To do ordinary things with extraordinary love.

Join me today at Under the Golden Apple Tree for ideas on how we can put the extra in ordinary for our kids!
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