Apr 30, 2011

Sand Castles & Fortresses

We have been spending  A LOT of time outdoors with this awesome weather we're having! I am so happy not to see snow on the ground anymore. We've been putting off a lot this week because its just been so nice out, we just want to be in the sun all day. Just another reason why I'm SO blessed to homeschool - its just that flexible!

Sand Castles

When Haley was down for a nap Gavin and I went outside.I was sitting in my chair, reading and watching him shovel and play in the dirt. I  looked at him and said, "Hey Bear, do you want to build a sand castle with Mama?" It totally made his day! And made me realize how important it is to just stop everything we're doing as moms way more often and just let our jeans get covered with dirt for our kids! 


Right before Daddy came home Gavin and Haley built a fort in the living room. As soon as Adam walked in the door the kids were shouting "Daddy! Daddy! Come look at our fort we built!" How awesome of a Daddy he is to go straight to the fort as soon as he got his boots off, work clothes still on and all! I have an amazing husband :)