Nov 28, 2011

How does your child spell love?

I tried to teach my child with books;
He gave me only puzzled looks. 
I tried to teach my child with words;   
They passed by him often unheard. 
Despairingly, I turned aside   
"How shall I teach this child," I cried? 
Into my hand he put the key,
"Come," he said, "And play with me."
Being home has wired me to be sensitive to cues from my children when my undivided attention is absolutely essential. My own children's cues are often in the form of whining, crankiness, and sibling rivalry

I am guilty of reacting to this behavior as a time to discipline, when really, all they want is time. My time. Time with me. Time together.

There are days when it is important to let go of routine, refrain from the schedule and turn off the distractions. Be with your kids. Give them your undivided attention. And enjoy it. Be in the moment with them, focusing on them, and nothing else. Give to them the humble gift of seeing the child in you.

Need some ideas? Here are some ways that kids spell love:

Rearrange all of the furniture and build a fort with them
Color a coloring book with them
Let them help you with projects 
Go for a walk together and point out to them the marvelous works of God
Make shadow puppets together
Play Hide & Seek
Make up stories together; take turns adding onto the story
Go for a walk in the woods
Carve out a special time with each child separately
Crank up some tunes and dance with them
Wrestle and tickle them
Teach them to cook; or better yet, let them try to teach you :)
Plant seeds together
Take all of the cushions off the couch and make a comfy reading corner
Read book after book after book
Go jump in a rain puddle with them 
Rock them and sing to them

Feel free to share the ways your child spells love :)

Linking-up to:
Raising Homemakers, Far Above Rubies, Raising Mighty Arrows, Growing Home, Deep Roots At Home  
Time-Warp Wife


  1. Soooo true. Too often I become frustrated with whining and fussiness, but really they just need ME! I have been trying to be more sensitive to that and recognizing it for what it is when it's happening!

    Thanks for sharing those great ideas!!

  2. Yes, I notice here the whining and fussiness seems to be more prevalent lately, and I do think some of it has to do with the onset of winter. We haven't been outside as much as we usually are. However, in light of it all, we have an advantage of being home - that is, we can decipher their behavior and really get to the bottom of it. Although I know there are days when they're just fussy and that's just that! :)
